Geth Hunter, with hunter mode on maxium view, Coupled with a Widow or a Javelin with armor piercing attachment and armor piercing rounds meant that you could drop enemies with head shots through 2 to 2.5 meters of wall. The Prothean Rifle worked really well with the class because of the magazine increase evolution on one of the Devastator evolutions as well as the Harrier or the Revenant.
N7 Destroyer, high on the Devastator mode and the missile launcher. The power on the tactical cloak which allowed you to Shadow strike twice before the cloak dropped meant that you could Shadow strike a Banshee, dodge backwards and then Shadow strike again killing it. N7 Shadow specced for maximum Shadow Strike and sword damage, Generally another class where I only carried a smg. This allows it to take on Banshees and Praetorians singlehandedly without.
While the Juggernaut has great durability and damage output, one of the most notable defining traits of the character is its inability to be instantly killed. Generally either a pistol or a smg as weapon but usually you didn't need it because of how fast you powers charged and not a lot could last under all the biotic explosions. The Geth Juggernaut is one of the most self-sufficient character classes in Mass Effect 3.
Click to shrink.Asari Adepts, speced for maximum biotic explosions. Ive been playing Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer since the game came out and I have only played with.